A STRANGE TWIST OF FATE has 6 days left in the campaign, and so far it's been on the "Hot and Trending" list for the past 3 weeks. This hasn't come easy. I've had to do a lot of marketing to stay up there with the other 19 books. From what I've seen, there are 20 books on the "Hot" list at any one time. That list shuffles around depending on how many "page views" they receive each day. The more page views, the closer your book is to the front of the list. This keeps you visible and more likely to get those all important nominations. While I have your attention, I'd appreciate it if you would go HERE and nominate A STRANGE TWIST OF FATE. 😏

If you want to submit your own book to Kindle Scout, here is the link to their submission page. You need to read the guidelines very carefully and follow each one to the letter.
There are many ways to ask for nominations. This blog is one way. If you don't write one yet, now would be a good time to start!
Another way is to ask your Facebook friends using an ad like the one you see above. I made this one up myself using an inexpensive program called Swift Publisher 4. The program cost little to download from iTunes and works remarkably well. I was able to learn how to use it with very little effort. Basically, if I can do it so can everyone else! lol.
Bribery is a wonderful tool to use for getting nominations. I bought a KINDLE PAPERWHITE (an e-reader) for a drawing. I also have a couple of VISA gift cards to make things even sweeter. At the end of my campaign, I'll draw 3 winners, the first being the Kindle winner. This drawing is a great way to lure readers and friends to click on your campaign link.
Do you Tweet? I make sure at least twice a day I post this to Twitter. This is the example:
Grab your chance to win! https://www.amazon.com/gp/f.html?C=3KRKL8BRA5K9I&K=A2G4XI13MD3UX2&R=3MKVFMK17J9KU&T=C&U=https%3A%2F%2Fkindlescout.amazon.com%2Fp%2F12FKUX4P03PEN%3Fref_%3Dpe_886810_126055510&A=ONRHBJLMHQIG6EGC79DW38LGAHSA&H=ZUIYAUZK7MF70S9K07WPG45MPAGA&ref_=pe_886810_126055510 … tell me at debraerfert@yahoo.com @AuthorShout #amazonbooks #amreading #kindle
Make sure you include the link to your campaing and the ad picture. This will draw attention to your post.
I also took out a paid Facebook advertisement, setting the budget at $15.00 a day (it's driven my clicks). Go HERE and learn how to advertise with Facebook. This is a little more tricky. You can't use the same ad you used for Twitter and your personal Facebook page. The picture/text ratio is different. You have to have more picture and much less text on the picture.
For $10.00 (for the whole month of the campaign) I'm using a website called Author Shout. They use some information from your Kindle Scout campaing to make a few Twitter ads that are posted several times a day. They have a far wider reach (12K followers) than just those who are my followers (650).
Over the past few months, I've actively worked on growing a "subscriber emailing list." I use MailChimp as a host. Its free until you get over a certain limit of subscribers or set up the automated emails. From this site I send automated emails offering a free novella as an incentive to join. There are several awesome websites that offer ways to grow your emailing list.
My Book Cave is a great site. Go HERE and read what they can do for you as a reader and as an author!
Another one is InstaFreebie HERE.
I also have an account with BookFunnel, HERE, a site where readers find your FREE book (I use a novella) and download it when they agree to be added to your newsletter emailing list. I have MailChimp incorporated with InstaFreebie and BookFunnel, which means when they sign up, that email address goes directly to my MailChimp site.
Another interesting way of finding nominations is on Instagram. I linked my Facebook ad to it. I might've done this by accident, but that's okay. I've received several clicks from it. 😆 How about Pinterest? Yep, I have this campaign up there too!
I hope this helps. I'll write a followup after I find out if my book gets picked up by Kindle Press or if it gets rejected and I indie-publish it!
Thanks for your info, Debra.... and congratulations on being published by Kindle Scout ! Can't wait for my free copy..
Thank you, Marty! :D
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